Thursday, January 24, 2008


i loved the photos of my nieces velzy & ivy that ashley
posted of the girls in the tub... i don't know what it is about kids and their bubbles, but jord will stay in the tub for almost an hour if we let her! and she loves to eat them...
so this photo is for ashley and her blog, i found the picture the other day and it is just one of my many favorites of jordan.


Norris Family said...

Thats funny because my oldest Cole hates baths. He throws a tantrum almost everytime if I tell him it is time to get in the bath. On the other hand if I say time for a shower he goes running. I guess it probably has to do with the fact that he probably only received a hand full of baths in his earlier years, usually we just threw him in the shower with Eugene it was a lot easier that way. But Tate loves baths he is the complete opposite. And that is probably because he did get a lot of baths as a child. Eugene kind of stopped wanting to shower the kids when Cole got a little older and grabed his "package," so he was a little shower shy after that. So with Tate it was baths all the way...Good Times

Molly Malia said...

thats funny brooke, thats what made my pops change his made too! i slipped and fell and grabbed "something"...

ashley said...

look at those curls! so pretty!

ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

Hi Molly! I don't even know how I found your blog, but I'm glad I did! What a gorgeous little girl!! Hope you are well!