wow, so this little fella is 9 months! it blows my mind! well it blows my mind everyday... i guess that will never get old. this morning i took the fella in for his 9 month check up... he was all smiles with the doc and was flirting with the nurses... ham.
weight... 17 lbs 10 oz (8 percentile)
length... 29 in. (71 percentile)
head... 45.5 cm (52 percentile)
his new things... calling out for 'mama' when he has pooped his pants.
pulling the plug at the end of his tub. promptly giving kisses when mom says 'give mommy kisses' but when daddy asks he just pats his check. army crawling everywhere but on the hardwood floor. falls asleep at bed and for naps all on his own and the only thing that wakes him up... the toilet. has four teeth. has gotten one hair cut, well trim, already. talks and talks! is fascinated with the blow dryer and will come right next to me so that he can get 'blowed on'. shakes his head for no, biggest smile in the world for yes! he chats anytime he is in the car. loves bugs and will try and pinch ants when he finds them. holds up his star when you ask 'where is twinkle twinkle?' points at the trees only when the leaves are blowing in the wind.
Those pictures are so cute! What a handsome boy!
What a beautiful little guy. I love those eyes. He is so smart too. Amazing how much they change in such a short amount of time! How fun for you!
so cute!!
Whoa whoa whoa he got old!! What beautiful blue eyes little Merrick has!
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